Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mony, you too are leaving...

Mony, how sudden and unexpected
was your bidding farewell for ever!
After the 'shocking' experience
you had with your beloved mother
on account of your siblings,
you kept away from the village
you were born and the village
you and your family adapted!

Thereafter you confined yourself
with your wife and children
in the new place of your choice.

You toiled for your family
and could see that both of
your sons are educated enough
and at least one of them
employed comfortably.

Times could not heal the wounds
inflicted on you and
you seemingly lived on the pains
of that 'shocking' experience
never ever to get reunited
with your mother and siblings,
even at the death of your
beloved mother!

And now, you have left for ever
leaving a vacuum which will
never be filled...

We grew as if like brothers
and i was given the privilege of
your best friend by your parents
so as to 'lead' you safely!

Somehow, you were more keen
on everything other than studies.
May be that it was the natural
consequence of your father's
addiction with alcohol and the
entire burden of upkeep of
everything on your mother and
the slow deterioration of the
family and all its wealth...

We met few months back at
the marriage of Natheesha,
the daughter of my cousin
Raju who left us all
almost an year ago...

We parted on that day with
the assurance to meet again,
especially on your son's
expected marriage one
of the days to come soon.

While waiting for such
an invitation, was shocked
with the heartbreaking news
of your death which was
indeed so cruel and untimely.

May your good soul
rest in peace and
may your loving children
and beloved wife be
comforted and consoled
for the days to come.

Good bye, Mony, my dear
rest ever in the peace of
the Lord you believed
all through...