Monday, July 15, 2019

Love needs to be effective…

Yesterday’s Gospel reflection of Gutierrez seems to be relevant in our diocese:
What is required of is not anything superhuman, but something very human, namely to love. First love, of course, is to God. Its corollary is the love of neighbor as summed up by the Law and all the commandments. 
The lawyer in the anecdote already knows that. The problem is with regard to its concretization: ‘Who is my neighbor?’ Jesus redefines being neighborly eliciting an answer from the very questioner that one who attends the one in need is a neighbor indeed.
The focus given by Jesus does not restrict the ability to love what is close and known, like the popular saying: ‘Charity begins at home.” Gospel corrects it making it clear that charity begins with those who are suffering or in need, whether at home or elsewhere.
Love is an initiative with intelligent and effective action. Effectiveness is clearly required by authentic evangelical love of neighbor. Responding by doing anything to get out of trouble does not suffice. One has to do what a careful analysis of the need (personal, social, material, effective etc.) demands as an appropriate response and solution for the need.
Jesus then concludes with a categorical: ‘Go and do likewise.’ Love is verified in active solidarity. This will take us out of the way to embrace the path of the neighbor.
Love of neighbor is the criterion of Christian life. It is to be moved by the suffering and need of others and doing something constructive and effective about it… Let us make the love of neighbor an efficacious instrument of historical and liberating transformation. (cfr. ‘Sharing the Word…’, Gustavo Gutierrez, Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 1998 p.184-85))

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