Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where can one find the real Jesus?

Packiam, the archbishop of our diocese seems to be a simple man. But he wants and wields in fact unlimitted power. He seems to think that being accountable and transparent is less powerful! He seems not at all familiar with 'Jesus before Christianity!' He only knows, rather doesn't want to know that unadulterated Jesus. He is familiar and comfortable with the Jesus presented by the church, a bye product of Constantine's so called conversion! The Jesus who came 'not to be served, but to serve' is not the Jesus of this church! In this church every one projects himself with all titles beginning from the 'reverend' to  'excellency', 'grace' and 'holiness' and Jesus is conveniently ignored. They do not know the greatness of John the baptist who let Jesus grow and himself be diminished. When people asked: are you the one to come, he could tell them clearly that he was no the one and introduced Jesus instead!
Young priests are fascinated by authority, position and possession with higher study mania having no regard ever for being holy, honest, just and humble. Getting every benefit from the people, they couch on the back of the people neve letting them free! They project a God quite different from the one introduced by Jesus. This God need to be placated with offerings and other servile homages. Love has no place, love which has no fear or any other inhibition...

Can’t be a dead fish to be carried along the current…

More than half of my life had been in the ‘priestly’ costume/mask! Not even for a single day could be comfortable with nor could get compromised with that! However, I did enjoy being with the people and doing my little mite in empowering them as a self-esteemed and free people.
‘Church’ first of all was not a concept of Jesus, as ‘temple’ was not that of the people of God and their prophets! Temple as opposed to the ‘ark’ was a compulsion for David to justify his palace. So also church as opposed to the ‘way’ the disciples were familiar with to enjoy and ensure the crumbs of authority thrown out to the elders with the feudal titles.
As the grain of wheat need to die out to yield fruit whether it be thirty, sixty or hundred fold or even to become bread or the like, so also the son of man gave up himself to be raised in glory. The ‘reign’ of God announced by Jesus won’t be a reality till the church dies out to give birth to that reign.
The church always enjoyed the fire place of security and never ever can live the life of the son of man who has no place to lay down his head. He always enjoyed the freedom of the children of God and the beauty of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. The strength of Jesus was his vulnerability in solidarity with so many of his brethren and his being empty (kenosis) before his Father.
This Jesus who was so familiar and friendly challenged me ever, as the self-seeking and protective church agitated me. It built up theology to suit all its greed beginning from justifying idolatry to enslaving the children of God. In the place of the ‘friendly’ relation propounded by Jesus, church projected the ‘servant-lord’ relations! Jesus’ terminologies are not only not comfortable, but are threatening to the church.