Monday, February 15, 2010

A Sweet mother... [not mine]

[This taken from another blog for Amuthakkannu]
var timestamp = "Thursday, November 05, 2009"

Hes the best!!!!!
Posted by Preethi Simha
Holding his future in his fist
Sleeping innocently in his nest
Like the delicate morning mist
Trying to give his best
In every conquest
Always giving a new twist
To the work he does with interest
His mischief cannot be said in a gist
The little imp's got a huge list
Putting his family's patience to test
With his tiny feet climbs on his father's chest
With his naughhty smile captures every guest
Playing with him is hard to resist
with him around its always a fest
My darling Vibhu is different from the rest.

My Angel
Posted by Preethi Simha
Sometime in May last year. Some uneasiness. A feeling of restlessness. Not feeling too well.My hubby and I decided to meet the doctor. A lot of apprehensions......some expectations.....anxiousness and nervous.After we met up with the doctor, we learnt that we were going to become parents. The feeling was mixed when we heard this. Were we ready for such a huge reponsibility? Would we be able to manage another person? were we capable of it? But at the same time it was a very joyous moment. We were going to bring life on to this earth....a miracle in itself. I cannot forget the expression on my husband's face..that of happiness and ofcourse, the sudden sense of responsibility. That day has been one of the many special moments in my life.But the one special moment which stands out above the rest was in December when I carried my baby for the first time. My little angel...he was a bundle of joy. The little wonder who was in my arms that day was looking at me and others wih a twinkle in his eye, wondering where he was and who we were,I guess.What a precious moment it was in my life. He is such a darling who has filled our lives with immense joy.Love you my dear Tamaghna Vibhu. You have given us everything...completed my life in every way. Thanks sweetypie for all the happiness.

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