Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Marian Edu-city...


[23:08, 07/09/2024] Pankiras Arulappan:

Marian Edu-city



1. Marian Engineering College (MEC) 2001

2. St. Jacob's Training College (SJTC) 2006

3. Marian College of Architecture and Planning (MCAP) 2014

4. Marian College of Arts and Science (MCAS) 2016

5. Marian Craft and Art Centre (MCAC)

6. Little Flower Football Academy (LIFFA)


BoE of the Archdiocese in its 22nd meeting on 7th September 1999 decided to establish an Engineering College for the diocese...

When necessary approval was obtained from the Government, it was started in the then St. Vincent's Minor Seminary situated in the 48 + acres of land bought in 1963 for the TSSS by the first native and visionary bishop Peter Bernard Pereira of esteemed memory.

When the MEC was shifted to the present site, the former seminary was converted into SJTC.

By that time the Seminary was moved in to the present MCAC & LIFFA Centre which housed the Theera Jyothi Teacher Training Institute for some time.

Then the MCAP was started in a typically state of the art architectural building.

Yet again the Seminary was shifted to the third building in the Campus which is now occupied by MCAS.

And now, in the context of the NEP, and in view of possible autonomy all the higher, technical and professional education and other institutions were brought under the Marian Edu-city banner.

Now, a word of caution from Paul, 'For as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another'. (Rom 12:4-5)

[Felicitation at the launching of it by the honourable Governor of Kerala, Shri Arif Mohamed Khan on 7th September 2024]

In the 22nd meeting of the BoE on 7th September 1999…

In the agenda, need for technical education, first a polytechnic was suggested. However, most of the members preferred an Engineering College to that. The special invitee, Mr. Jony Xavier supported the majority view, especially in the context of the Latin Community having no such college.

Monvila diocesan property was chosen first because it was considered to be an institutional area.

To keep the finance aspect in control, subjects like Electronics and Communication and Computer Science were proposed.



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