Monday, April 22, 2019

From 2011...

Hearty welcome to Thycaud,
The home of your sisters since 1904!
Bible asserts God’s image
To be male and female (Gen 1:27)!
But was introduced
As Father by Jesus,
Though motherhood of God
Is not totally alien to
Bible tradition!
Motherhood closely reflects
God’s image!
And here are you
A mother, mother general
For that matter
Of the Holy Cross Sisters!
From the garden of Europe
Have you come to
‘God’s own Country’
On the festive days of ‘Deepavali’-
Our feast of Lights!
Jesus, the Light failed not
To remind us that
We are the ‘light of the world’ (Mt 5:14)
Let your visit
Enkindle the hearts
Of your sisters who in turn
Do it for the ones coming to be healed…
Let them be the light of the world!
May you have
A profoundly rich and
Rewarding experience
To take home
From the few hours of stay
Here with us.
May God bless you 
And your sisters!
Assumption Church, Thycaud
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India  27.X.2011

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